Melody-0508A Crystal Berry's Diary - A Happy Frame of Mind: My Bangkok Trip....1st day (Part 3)

Crystal Berry's Diary - A Happy Frame of Mind

宜动宜静是我性格的代号。。。娱乐八卦,偶像剧,书籍,电视及音乐是我的朋友,当然shopping是我最佳选择。。。 想要更了解我。。。请时常进来看看。。。

Thursday, October 30, 2008

My Bangkok Trip....1st day (Part 3)

3rd Location: Chinatown

Bangkok's Chinatown, is a good place to head to for a wonderful dining experience. The area houses some of the best and most expensive Chinese restaurants in the city, along with many of the best and cheapest food stalls, you’ll also find sacks of roasted chestnuts, sequins, feather boas, eccentric virility boosters and martial art weapons.

Birds Nest and Shark Fin Soup is two of the most luxurious foods in the world are widely available in Bangkok, must try ohh....

The street stall, seem like not......but still try it loh!!! =P

4th Location: MBK (Mah Boon Krong)

The multi-storey MBK, or Mah Boon Krong, is probably Bangkok's most legendary shopping mall, popular with both tourists and locals. Eight floors packed with 2,000 shops that sell everything from clothing, fashion accessories, handbags, leather products and luggage to furniture, mobile phones, electric appliances, cameras, stationery and DVD's (and then some).
MBK (launched in 1986) is a beehive of activity, especially on weekends, when half of Bangkok converges to shop for bargains. And plenty of bargains are to be found here!

(haha...i nv take the photo fm MBK....)

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