Busy Fliming Day....
Is our fliming day......going to shooting after profile for Citispa Slimming Contest....
at abt 12noon we met at Mediacorp Reception....start our whole day programme and shooting....

On the way to make up studio, we met Adrian Pang....

Then 陈传之。。。long time nv see him on TV

从小就对娱乐圈有浓厚兴趣的鹤天赐,在2004年参加了由新传媒所主办的一个全岛性寻星节目《新加坡偶像》,成功晋级到前30名。也因为这比赛,他很快便被新传媒的英语制作组相中,参与的第一部英语偶像剧是《Shooting Stars》的演出。
凭着俊俏的外型及偶像剧里出色的表现,鹤天赐很快获得了模特儿经纪公司的青睐,开始接拍各种平面和电视广告。短短的一年半里,他拍的广告就包括了第一通M1(新加坡电讯公司), 肯德基家乡鸡KFC, 滨海购物中心Marina Square 及 虎标油Tiger Balm 等等。
这些高度曝光率,加上天赐突出以及多变的外型更引起新传媒高层对他的注意, 网罗他成为新传媒旗下的艺人,准备加以栽培。不负众望的到他,在加入新传媒不到一个月就被选中担任英语剧《UNTITLED》男主角。
met 郑各平at make up studio....
After tat we went to Hougang Mall start our fliming....
ya! i will show on TV in tis style....still got lots of fat on my tummy coz just got few weeks of treatments, if got another 2 more months of treatment, think i tummy will flat like plasma TV liao!!!
wow!!! see.....y she seem so surprise???
Hey!!! wat ur doing??? maybe .....hehe....
another 2 contestants' final look....
yeah!!! tis is my final look, u can catch me at Century Square on tis Sat noon in tis look...how? is look like very auntie?
B4 went bk....must take a 'family' photo.....
at abt 12noon we met at Mediacorp Reception....start our whole day programme and shooting....

比赛结束后,承熹立即获得新传媒的合约。在短短的4个月之后,他就受到戏剧组的重用,让他在《百万宝》里与新传媒的首席阿哥阿姐李南星郑惠玉合作, 饰演李南星的弟弟,也就是剧集里的第二男主角。

凭着俊俏的外型及偶像剧里出色的表现,鹤天赐很快获得了模特儿经纪公司的青睐,开始接拍各种平面和电视广告。短短的一年半里,他拍的广告就包括了第一通M1(新加坡电讯公司), 肯德基家乡鸡KFC, 滨海购物中心Marina Square 及 虎标油Tiger Balm 等等。
这些高度曝光率,加上天赐突出以及多变的外型更引起新传媒高层对他的注意, 网罗他成为新传媒旗下的艺人,准备加以栽培。不负众望的到他,在加入新传媒不到一个月就被选中担任英语剧《UNTITLED》男主角。

photo taken in madiacorp wardropbe, how is my final look?

when we just reach in Reception, tat handsome actor just walk passed, no chance to hv photo with him, haiz...
at abt 6pm, i went to canteen bought bubble tea, surprising saw him taken dinner at canteen, but i nv bring along my handphoto and camera, alamak....2nd time missed the photo taken....haiz haiz haiz....
Finally finisher our whole day work.....
SEE...WHO IS TAT??? surprising........at the Reception area...we met tat handsome guy...."The Little Nyonya" actor...tat Japanese Boy....Dai Yang Tian...wow....can't believe tat, met him 3 time in difference places....of coz....tis time cannot missed again....yeah!!!! finally.....see...he so handsome rite?
Here got his some simple intro and news....
身高: 1.85米
体重: 73公斤
生日: 12月 27日
身高: 1.85米
体重: 73公斤
生日: 12月 27日
CH8 new Sports show called "兵乓圆" is start shooting in mid of Dec....
那天(4 Dec)众演员正在认真练球。戴阳天穿着简单的运动衣,头发没特别梳理,蓄着唇须,一副普通人的样子。也许他还没有察觉到自己日渐窜红,又或者他本来就是如此随性。

As the same time, DJ fm 93.3...Dennis Zhou is there oso, he is the very funny guy and friendly....

B4 went bk....must take a 'family' photo.....
Labels: Variety Shows – 综艺节目, 生活写照
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