Melody-0508A Crystal Berry's Diary - A Happy Frame of Mind: Meet & Think @ Mediacorp

Crystal Berry's Diary - A Happy Frame of Mind

宜动宜静是我性格的代号。。。娱乐八卦,偶像剧,书籍,电视及音乐是我的朋友,当然shopping是我最佳选择。。。 想要更了解我。。。请时常进来看看。。。

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Meet & Think @ Mediacorp

Last night i went to Mediacorp meeting,is regarding variety show fm Mediacorp, it talk about Beauty & Slimming (是一个扮美美的节), total contestant is 25 pretty girls, of course including me lah.... :D

First, we follow the assistant went to wall drop to do measurement, so they can prepare our outfit, on the way we via many section like studio ( for acting & Advance Show Recoding) & control room....

B4 we start the meeting, of course go 4 filling up our stomach first...the 星洲米粉 is not bod lah! but very expensive leh! $4 for few mouth only, may be I have a big mouth"O" not enough...

Ok, time to go for meeting......wah!! so far away leh! I wear high hill some more...walk until my leg break loh! but don't care lah! Hehehe...I discover Mediacorp have many handsome guy oh!..... 早知道偷拍他们的照片。。。。

The writer ask all the contestant to introduce themselves:

1. one of the contestant 29 this year, she have a son & a daughter, her daughter 1 yr old this year, u know how old for her first son? .....12 yrs old leh! Wah!!(顿时让大家都目登口呆,哑口无言),so young to get married....我问她是不是怕没人要所以才那么早嫁人?she said: "ya loh!", Mmmm i think ho!! may be.... got another reason....short gun....Mmmm!! ya! right...

2. Another one 28, 瘦骨如柴,don't know where she want to slim? bring over to fried also no oil come out.

3. The third one very tall abt 1.75m, weight abt 80kg....ya! this reasonable lah! no comment

Actually all the contestant not satisfactory thier figure, if not, no need to join this contest already, the prizes is very very 10k of voucher + 2k cash leh!!!wowowo!!!



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