Queueing Overnite in S'pore Flyer
How to get the tixs???
u just sms "2009" to 79777, then u will get the STB reply, just flash the reply sms fm STB....
Free ride for the first 2009 visitors with SMS Passport each weekend (14-15 Feb, 21-22 Feb, 28 Feb - 1 Mar 09) on a first come first served basis.
Visitors who flash the 2009 reasons SMS passport can also receive S$29.50 off the annual family membership price (usual S$150). Terms and Conditions
• Each SMS passport entitles the holder to redeem up to 4 tickets at the attraction
• Promotion is valid on the day of redemption
Last week i went on Sat morning 6am, still cant get the tixs...very disappointed loh!!! For tis week i must go earlier then all of them, make sure i can get the tixs in tis week, so i can enjoy and experience with my lovely son.....
So i went to find out the last 2 week Queue up "result". The officer told me tat the 1st weekend in Feb, Queue in 1st tat lucky person came at Fri nite abt 11pm, they used 9 hour to Q overnite...wow....they no need to sleep meh i think??? In 2nd weekend of Feb, the 1st lucky person oso came at Fri nite but abt 9.30pm...wow...earlier then the 1st weekend leh!!! ok, now think i know how to do already...I asked my colleagues said tat wanna go queueing overnite on Fri for tis FREE tixs after work but they dun want, they said i m crazy....ok loh!!!
Yesterday....tat is Fri, actually i m on MC coz gastic pain, so i used to plans how to kill the time when queueing overnite? so, i came at 3pm, when me arrived the tixs counter, no one in the Q, really very happy loh!!! maybe is too early....

After had my gd meal, still early abt 4pm++, the officer start to arrange the queueing place for ppl who wanna queueing ovenite, he saw me stand there and bring "Big bag and small bag" and asking me is me came for queueing??? he very supprise and passed me his name card...is Operation Asst Manager, huh!!! 1st in my mind is Y Operation Asst Manager need to came arrange the queueing place himself and not the others staff? hmm....maybe he really helpfull....